Monday, May 17, 2010

In the beginning

Our society is running away from morals due to popular culture pressed by marketing. TV, movies, internet magazines and other forms of marketing media all try to show us how we can do anything we desire, easily and without consequence. Our churches are failing our communities because we do not preach about the controversial issues within our society; Abortion, infidelity, raising Godly children, and finance just to name a few. Political correctness has dimmed Christ's impact on society in this country and we are imploding as a result. We've been led to believe that women should not raise our children, parents have no rights. Are our schools taking up the slack? The Government? Popular media? How about our churches? Times they are a changing, but are they better? Sexual activity among teens and children is increasing and at lower ages. Jails are full. People rarely help others on the side of the road due to fear of a trap. Kids don't play outside like in the past because it's not as safe.
This is a quest to find out how these issues can be changed. I would like to write about anything that troubles people or myself and look to God and his word for the answers. I am not a minister. I am not educated in theology. I am a Christian, a husband and a father to girls and a boy. I want to live my life according to the scriptures and teach my children to do the same. I will not put that burden/joy into the hands of any other organization or individual. If there are any questions or comments, don't hesitate to post. I will consider answering/opining a form of homework and personal growth.
Some of the topics I plan to share are:
The power of prayer
Father's responsibilities
Mother's responsibilities
Personal satisfaction with life
Why I believe life is a little backwards
My responsibilities as a Christian (inward looking vs. spreading the word)
That should get me going. My hope is to stir in some pondering in others and possibly change some attitudes toward life.

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